Environmental Impact Assessment on Petrol Stations.

The aim of an environmental impact assessment on petrol stations is to provide a study report to establish positive and negative impacts on the physical and socio economic environment.

Early identification of possible impacts will promote environmental sustainability in that anthropogenic factors will not interfere with natural environment but will blend with it creating harmony.



Negative Impacts             Mitigation Measures


Increased noise and vibration levels


  •   Barricading the area (erecting a boundary wall).
  • Construction activities to be conducted during the day.
  •  Provision of appropriate Personal Protective equipment to protect workers from occupational noise.
  •  Regular maintenance of plants and equipment.
  •  Shutting down of engine vehicles when not in use to- reduce on noise levels.
  • Conducting of noise measurements from different- positions within and outside the workplace to establish prevailing noise levels and recommending appropriate mitigation measures.



Increased air pollution as a result of dust particles emanating from earth works and construction activities.



  • Use of dump method to mitigate on dust by sprinkling water on areas to be excavated.
  • Soil compaction.



Pressure on existing infrastructure i.e. roads, power, water among others.


Erection of warning and informative signs. i.e. notices, billboards at the site during the construction phase and traffic control along the connecting road.



Increased waste materials (both solid and liquid).


Proper designing of drainage channels and regular maintenance of the same.



Contamination of the ground with oil and grease substances


Maintenance should be carried out at designated service bays to avoid contamination of environment by resultant oil and greases.



Oil leaks and spills




  • Regular inspection of underground tanks for leakages.
  • Construction of a three pit oil interceptor tanks to separate oil from sludge.
  • Double walling of underground tanks to guard against leaks.  Protecting the underground tanks with corrosion prevention materials.
  • Prioritizing the upgrade of equipment and installation of existing facilities of a network after a defined age.
  • Careful siting of the project to ensure that it lies in an environment that is far from environmental receptors including sewers, tunnels, vaults, surface water reservoirs etc.


Destruction of soil structure


  • Ensure use of manual labour and hand tools where- appropriate.
  • Ensure the contractor takes the shortest time possible.


Soil and Ground Water contamination



  • Regular hydraulic pressure testing of the underground- tanks.
  • Non destructive testing, for example, ultrasound testing.



Generation of contaminated waste water and storm water




  • Implementation of secondary containment procedures that avoid accidental or intentional releases of contaminated containment fluids.
  • Segregation of clean drainage and potentially contaminated drainage, treating the latter through oil/water separators.
  • Oil water separators may include baffle type or coalescing plate type. They should be properly designed, operated, and maintained to achieve the desired water treatment results.















Positive Impacts


Economic impacts



  • Creation of job opportunities.
  •  Promotion of development activities.
  •  Creation of market.

Natural environment




  • Conservation of environment through planting of trees.
  • Improving aesthetic by planting flowers and landscaping.



Social impacts


  • Improvement of the living standard of workers through employment.
  • Promotion of community development through corporate social responsibility.


During the construction and operational phases of petrol stations major concerns should be focused towards minimizing the occurrence of impacts that would degrade the general environment. This can be done through close follow-up and implementation of the recommended Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan.

Mercy Wangui

For NEMA Licence Call



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