Architectural design to mitigate for natural disasters such as floods in design and construction of Buildings.

Architectural design to mitigate for natural disasters such as floods in design and construction of Buildings.

During architectural design, the first phase of design is the site analysis and feasibility study.

In this phase, the architect will visit the site and check out for physical features that show an area to be prone to floods.

Presence of vegetation such as reeds that usually thrive in swampy grounds is an indication of an area having occasional flood issues. Most of Runda and Langata are swampy grounds, with water logged soils at less than 1 meter deep of excavation.

This requires that the foundation designs be optimised to enable building in swampy grounds eg pier or raft types of foundations.

In an area near a river or lake, such as along Athi river, Greenpark estate area, a report from the Meteorological department on the history of the river or lake and how long the distance that the river extends during the rainy reason for the last 50 years will give a good indication

This requires that the building be raised considerably from the ground level and the foundation and structure be designed to optimise for swampy grounds.

Boundary walls will need to be reinforced to hold on rain water pressure and storm water drainage channels be well laid along the gravitational flow of water towards lower grounds, with the concrete channels having the right size as per the estimated water flow required.

Concrete open drain channels with side slabs are easier to construct than masonry channels, though slightly more expensive. This will be adequate to redirect rain surface runoff towards the natural flow of storm water drainage away from the building.

In Nairobi and its environs, the storm water drainage flows naturally towards Ruai area from Limuru and Ngong sides.

Roof surface water is also drained using gutters and directed towards the ground level open drains towards the natural water paths.


Architect Francis Gichuhi Kamau.




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