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Karen Village.
Earthbag technology is commonly used in South America, Southern parts of USA and some parts of Asia and Europe.Earthbag technology is similar to the ancient Musgum hut architecture found in Northern Cameroon and Southern Chad. The Musgum huts are still standing to date, over 500 years old.

Inverted catenary arch
The Earthbag house dome design is based on an inverted catenary arch.
A catenary arch is a curve formed when a chain is held on both ends. Its one of the strongest, most stable natural forces.

Based on these structural principles, the earthbag technology merges with current modern technologies such as reinforced concrete beams so as to offer a solution to housing.
Typology of Units.
The units are designed to have a public space in the front yard and a private back yard as shown below.

The dome is split into 2 floor levels so as to utilize the land space available optimally.

Earthbag House.

These houses can be customized to fit within the available land space and can be designed to have the bedrooms in the 1st floor level so as to reduce ground level footprint for plots where the land size is small.

Eathbag House, Kericho, designed by www.a4architect.com

Architect Francis Gichuhi
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