Biogas Energy and Environmental Conservation

Rapid deployment of renewable energy and technological diversification of energy sources would result in significant energy security and economic benefits. It would also reduce environmental pollution such as air pollution caused by burning of fossil fuels and improve public health, reduce premature mortality due to pollution and save associated health costs.

Biogas is important source of green and clean energy. Biogas is produced from biological breakdown of organic matter in absence of oxygen. Rotting garbage, and agricultural and human waste are all broken down to release methane gas – also called landfill gas or biogas.

Biogas production and use is an integrated process and contributes to several sectors  as shown below:

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Agriculture
  • Society

Energy is an essential ingredient of socio-environmental development and economic growth Biogas can contribute in environmental sustainability through the following:

  1. Reduction of greenhouse gas emission.

Biogas technology takes part in the global struggle against the greenhouse effect by reducing the release of CO2 from burning fossil fuels in two ways. First, biogas is a direct substitute for gas or coal for cooking, heating, electricity generation and lighting. Second, the reduction in the consumption of artificial fertilizer avoids carbon dioxide emissions that would otherwise come from the fertilizer-producing industries.

  1. Forest conservation.
  2. Improvement in health and sanitation through provision of clean energy.
  3. Health and environment along with friendly surroundings contribute for better enterprise integration.
  4. Production of energy (heat, light, electricity).
  5. Transformation of organic wastes into high-quality fertilizer.
  6. Improvement of hygienic conditions through reduction of pathogens, worm eggs and flies.
  7. Reduction of workload, mainly for women, in firewood collection and cooking.
  8. Positive environmental externalities through protection of soil, water, air and woody vegetation.

In Kenya, biogas production has been promoted at household levels using manure. Farmers keeping as few as two zero grazing cattle are able to generate enough power to meet the cooking and lighting needs. Biogas generation is also undertaken at commercial levels.

Mercy Wangui

For NEMA License and Biogas Construction Services

Call: 0715827209

Nairobi, Kenya


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