How to reduce cost of acquisition of your Home by 30% in Kenya.

How to reduce cost of acquisition of your Home by 30% in Kenya.

Home acquisition in Kenya can be reduced by approximately 30% by carefully selecting the location where a developer wants to build their home.

Land value of a house.

The land component of the average house in Kenya is around 30 to 40%. A 5 million bungalow in Kitengela, for example, sits on a kes 2m land, meaning the cost of land is 40% of the total house project.

Using the sectional land acquisition method, this makes it possible for a developer to be able to purchase land that can fit in the 3 bedroomed house which is well planned to fit into a portion of the 1/8th acre.

75% Cost of land reduction.

In the Kes 2m Kitengela land example above, the house can now fit in a portion of the land, which reduces the cost of acquisition of the land by 3/4, to kes 500,000. This makes the cost of the land approximately 10% of the housing project value, enabling a reduction of 30% of total house value.

Other Advantages.

Other advantages of using the method of reducing house acquisition costs is that with the architectural drawings, its easier for the developer to construct their house in 3 phases, with phase 1 being a 1 bedroomed unit, phase 2 adding 2 more bedrooms to the house to make it a 3 bedroomed unit and phase 3 finally making the house into a 5 bedroomed unit.

Also, the method also makes it easier to convert the 3 or 5 bedroomed house unit into 2 bedsitter units per floor, making it a total of 6 bedsitter units . The flexibility of this design can enable a house owner change from 5 bedroomed unit to bedsitter much easily depending on their space needs and their need to earn income form the units.

Feel free to contact for more details on how to achieve this.

See lands available for sale in sectional title here below

Ngong, Kibiku, sectional land for sale. Kes 900k.

Matasia town. Sectional land for sale. kes 900,000


Kiserian town Sectional land available for Sale. Sectional title. Kes 600,000

These lands for sale above will save buyers up to 75% of average land acquisition costs in the specific areas.


Architect Francis Gichuhi kamau.



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