Eat your Cake and Still have it. How to get 100% financing for your project in Kenya. 1/8th acre land and above.

Eat your Cake and Still have it. How to get 100% financing for your project in Kenya.

Most land owners have on average 1/8th acre land sizes . organises for an arrangement where the 1/8th acre lot is architecturally designed to have 4 units of up to 5 bedroomed maisonettes, each with its own entrance and 2 car parking slots.

The land owner can now sell 3 portions out of his 4 portions in his 1/8th land through the network. The revenue raised, based on the value of the plot plus the architectural drawings input, can then be used to construct on the remaining portion of the plot.

The land owner can then rent out the 1, 3 or 5 bedroomed house depending on the finance raised  for monthly income or sell the constructed unit for more value addition.

This way, the land owner gets monthly income from their plot without having to engage into bank loan agreements which are not easy to qualify for, and can also attract complete loss of land in case there is loan repayment default.

Land owners, feel free to contact at our offices located in Karen, Nairobi. See map here

Architect Francis Gichuhi Kamau.



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