Cost of Cement in 1 m2 of Masonry wall.

Cost of Cement in 1 m2 of Masonry wall.

1 m2 of machine cut stone, 200mm thick, 9 inches, has a total of 15 complete stones.

Joining motar.

The surface area of cement joining motar at a mix ratio of 1 to 3 is 1m2 for the 5 lines of horizontal cement for joining the top and bottom stones.

The volume of cement mortar, assuming 3 cm thickness is 0.03m3 for the total cement sand motar needed to join 1m2 of machine cut stone.

Cement density is 1400kg/m3.

For 0,03m3 of cementsand motar, using a ratio of 1 to 3 for cement and sand, cement will be 1/4 of 0.03 cubic meters=0,0075 cubic meters.

Using the 1400kg/m3 density of cement, 0,0075cubic meters of cement will weigh 10.5kg.


Cement is sold in 50kg bags, at a cost of kes 600 per 50kg bag.

1 kg of cement costs kes 12.

10.5kg of cement used as joining motar  will cost kes 126.


The volume of cement sand motar in 1m2 of plaster, assuming 3 cm thickness, is 0.03 cumbic meters, same quantity as the one for joining motar.

Using same formula ar joining motar, density of cement is 1400kg/m3, the quantity of cement and cost of cement usied in 1m2 of plaster will be the same as for joining motar at kes 126 per m2.

Architect Francis Gichuhi Kamau.




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