Making simple working drawings.

Making simple working drawings.



  1. Identify and prepare all tools needed to make simple working drawings. Thes e tols include
  • Set square.
  • White cartridge paper
  • T square
  • Pencil
  • Ink Pen
  • Drawing table.
  • Task chair


For complex drawings, Computer Aided Design software on computers is what is needed to fulfill the task.

For simple drawings, the above tools will b effective.




  1. After preparation of the tools, using the pencil and paper, sketch out the plans of the intended buildings.
  2. Using the sketch above, use a clean paper to measure out the dimensions sketched out using the scale rule.
  3. Use the T square to draw horizontal lines and measure the distances using the scale rule.


  1. Use the set square supported by the T square to draw vertical lines. Use the scale rule to measure out the length of the vertical line.



  1. Using the sketch , recheck if all the walls in the sketch as dimensioned have been drawing in the clean piece of paper so success.




Production of simple Isometric Drawings.


  1. Using the plan drawm above, lay the plan on the table and place a transparent tracing paper on top of it.
  2. Using the set square supprted bt the t square, use the 45 degrees edge to draw lines from all the floor plan corners at a 45 degree angle from all 4 courners.
  3. Using the scale rule, easure out the heights of the lines to the desired dimensions as indicated in the initial sketch
  4. Use the t square to join the wall heights.
  5. Use the set square to join the adjacent wall heings.
  6. Once the wall heights have been joined together, this marks a successful simple isometric drawing.


Procedure of making above sketch.

  1. Sketch on a piece of white catridge paper the floor plan with dimensions.
  2. Using transparent tracing paper, place the tracing paper on top of the sketch .
  3. Using a T square, draw a horizontal line.
  4. Using the scale rule, measure out the exact measurement as described in the hand drawn initial sketch.
  5. Using the set square, draw a 30 degrees andle from all the four corners of the plan in the sketch.using a scale rule, measure out the cube height as described in the hand drawun sketch.
  6. Using the T square, join the vertical height points measured out with a horizontal line.
  7. Using the set square, join the 30 degrees slanted lines .

The final outcome is an isometric cube as shown above.


Interpreting a working drawing.

  1. Lay the drawing on a flat surface eg table.
  2. From the left side, extreme end, measure out the dimension given in mm.
  3. Check the dimension line below.



The dimension line is marked by a thin line with the dimension writeen right above it. 4.Read the dimension and note it down then transfer it on the ground.

5.Notice the crossed out mark on the dimension line. This marks the end of the individual measured distance.

  1. The thick cross hatched lines represent the wall thickness, in this case, the thickness is 0.15 meters or 150mm.

Architect Francis Gichuhi Kamau


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