The ever increasing number of shopping malls in the country shows the growing demand for new forms of entertainment. Trampoline parks are a good source of entertainment since they are part of a healthy lifestyle.
Floor area.
The room size should ideally be in the range of a minimum of 200m2 of floor area. This ensures space enough for circulation.
Each bouncing space should be at least 2m square.
The supporting structure is made up of steel frames arranged within the 2m square .
After the framing, padding is installed. Trampoline materials and springs are also installed to complete the project.
Slam dunking and other key features.
The basketball slam dunking space is one of the key attractions to a trampoline park.
There is also the walling area where people can try running on the walls.
The free jump area is also a useful and attractive feature within the trampoline park. can design trampoline parks in Kenya to suit the particular space available.
Architect Francis Gichuhi Kamau.
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