Mahogany doors, Sand, Ballast, Machine cut stones, Steel. 2016 prices

Mahogany door. kes 14000
Mahogany door frame. kes 3500
Semi solid core Flush door. kes 2000
Solid core flush door. kes 2500


Ballast. kes 2000 per tonne.
Sand. kes 2000 per tonne.
Machine cut stone. kes 55 per piece.
Y 10. Kes 750
Y 12. kES 1000
Y 16 kes 1800
Y 8. kes 600

3 x2. kes 25 per foot.
6 x 2. kes 50 per foot.

3×2. kes 35 per foot.
2 x 2 . kes 28 per foot.



11 responses to “Mahogany doors, Sand, Ballast, Machine cut stones, Steel. 2016 prices”

  1. those machine cut stone can they be availed to molo at that price 1650ft’

  2. priscilla kigotho Avatar
    priscilla kigotho

    Hi!How much would you charge me for a hse plan with my own specifications on a 25*50 plot?

    1. @priscilla , feel free to visit our office here we discuss. Where is the land at?

    2. hi priscilla, please contact me for a high quality professional house plan. i can send you samples for my previous works before to consider.

      1. Hi Amisi, please email me

  3. Where can i buy the mahogany doors from

  4. Anna liza mairura Avatar
    Anna liza mairura

    Hi.can you send me a photo of steel doors and gate. And I’ll choose then ask d quote for it.tnx

  5. Caroline Konye Avatar
    Caroline Konye

    Please send me the pictures of steel doors and prices. Thanks.

  6. HI
    am looking for three doors solid core flush doors @2500

  7. Kindly let me know where I can get a solid flash door 1piece, am based along Juja Road Nairobi

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