Largest cities in the world. Coastal location.

The largest cities in most developed countries tend to be located at the coastal region near the sea/ocean.

In Brazil, Sao Paolo and Rio De Jenairo are both located near the coast line/Atlantic.

In USA, Newyork is located at the coast line/Artlantic.

In India, Mumbai is located along the Indian Ocean.
In China, Guanghzou is located along the Pacific ocean.
London is located near the celtic sea/English chanel.
In Russia, St Petersburg is located near the Baltic sea.

With this information, we can assume that coastal cities of Mombasa and Lamu will in the near future increase in population size to surpass Nairobi.

Coastal cities are best situated for international businesses. Lamu town was once a thriving economy between 1 AD and 15 AD.Lamu was an economic hive of activity even before Mombasa. Nairobi is 100 years old, very young, and was created by the British colonists as the administrative capital.

The most natural location for a business capital for East Africa is at Lamu.
Once LAPPSET project kicks in, there will be no turning back for Lamu and i can foresee it growing to be the most populous economic hub for East Africa in future.

Francis Gichuhi Kamau, Architect.


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