Month: December 2013
Roofing Materials weight per m2
Tile Weight Guides Tile Weights (Laid Weight – Kg/m²) Marley Redland Plain Clay 80 Cambrian Stone 20 Feature 70 Saxon Slate 50 Westwold 100 Richmond Slate 60 Ludlow Plus 50 Stonewall Slate 50 Anglia Plus 50 Delta Slate 60 Double Roman 50 Norfolk Pantile 50 Ludlow Major 50 Regent Tile 50 Mendip 50 Grovebury Double…
Space saving Stairs.
Stair case area takes around 10m2 off the plinth area of a floor, on both levels, i.e ground plus 1st floor. This is quite huge and has an impact financially to the cost of construction. A 100m2 bungalow has larger rooms than a 100m2 maisonette since some of the 10m2 area in the maisonette goes…